Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dear Obama, Democrats and Republicans: Please Suck A Giant Bags of Dicks.

A Short, Contained Burst of Blind Rage.

There are many words to describe how I'm feeling right now: Disgusted, contemptuous, mystified, saddened, fucking pissed off! It has been weeks, months even, since this whole health care debacle has reached a dire turning point. And true to the American Way, a clear path to a solution has been completely lost in a mire of deception, doublespeak and rumor-mongering all designed to keep the general public scared and misinformed. I have to say, there has not been one moment-not one single second- during this entire cluster fuck where I've thought to myself, "You know what? I think this is going to turn out alright". No. At best, I've felt like when all is said and done, life will continue per usual for me: Do not pass "GO", do not collect health insurance. At worst, I've felt vicariously attacked by right-wing pundits and every radical nutcase that shows up at a town hall meeting with a M16. And for what? For wanting the peace of mind of knowing that if I get sick I'm not going to go bankrupt? Honestly!


I just don't understand this country, I truly don't. I don't understand how we can be so inept and easy to be led that a concept like a "death panel" seems rational enough that people could be incited to practically riot. Yet, "a low-cost public option run by the government to compete against/drive down the cost of fancy-pants private health care" is so incomprehensible people hate it without being able to tell you why. Honestly! George W. and Team Evil managed to carve out a Sherman's Trail of indiscretions and abuses eight years long and no one bats an eyelash. But the moment the government tries to focus on and fix a real problem, suddenly it's hell in a hand basket and everyone is out on the street.

To tell you the truth, I don't really understand what there is to reform about health care if you take the public option off the table. "Oh, we're just going to make it cheaper some how", is that it?. Nigga, please. What? Regulate the greediest motherfuckers on the face of the planet? I remember how hardcore you guys threw down with the banks and credit card companies earlier this year. So far the score is Legislative Branch: Meh. Evil Bastards: Way Better. Pardon me if I can't trust you to do better this time around.

Shame, shame, SHAME on you, Democrats, for really living up to your reputations as pussies at the worst possible time. And Saint Barack Obama of the Middle Americans, I gave you my vote. I bought into "Yes We Can" and "Change" and all the glossy catch-phrases, I even went so far as to believe in it despite myself. I knew well enough not to expect you to work miracles, but I thought you'd do better than this. I don't know whether to be mad at you for talking too good a talk and spending too much time on VH1, Jay Leno and other cable TV shows or to be mad at America for how much time you have to waste explaining basic, stupid things to masses of moronic assholes.

Judging from my own personal conclusions and what little information I can gleam from reliable new sources out there, there is no rational, quantifiable reason that a public option wouldn't work. Would taxes go up? Sure, yeah, probably. So what? For once in my life I'd actually be being taxed for something I'm actually reaping the benefits of. How about this: you only qualify for the public option if you're employed, and you only pay taxes on it if you enroll in it. And if you're paying taxes on it you don't have to contribute as much or at all to Medicare. It may not be the best plan, but holy shit! I've managed to get further in five minutes with a solution than a whole government has gotten in five weeks. I mean, just today I was reading an article about how some politicians are proposing that Americans be fined upwards of 3,000 dollars for not having health care. Whaaaa? So you're going to fine me $900 because I can't afford to pay $300 a month for health care? Stellar idea!

Bottom line is this: If you come from a state where your congressperson/senator is openly saying they will oppose any health care bill with a public option attached you need to get up from your fucking computer right now and drive to their house with a baseball bat and demand to know in plain terms why. And also, I would like to suggest that this man make all the decisions for America henceforth: